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Publications 2005

Original papers

1) 伏見裕利, 織田しのぶ, 伊藤隆, 柴原直利, 喜多敏明, 小松かつ子, 寺沢捷年:原子吸光光度法を用いた漢薬「石膏」の溶出量に関する研究.J. Trad. Med., 22: 24-28, 2005.
2) Kuboyama T., Tohda C., and Komatsu K.: Neuritic regeneration and synaptic reconstruction induced by withanolide A. Br. J. Pharmacol., 144: 961-971, 2005.
3) Goto H., Sasaki Y., Fushimi H., Shibahara N., Shimada Y., and Komatsu K. : Effect of Curcuma Herbs on Vasomotion and Hemorheology in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat. Am. J. Chin. Med., 33: 449-457, 2005.
4) Jo M., Nakamura N., Kurokawa M., Komatsu K., Shiraki K., and Hattori M. : Anti-herpes simplex virus activities of traditional Chinese medicines, used in Yunnan and Tibetan provinces of China. J. Trad. Med., 22: 321-328, 2005.


1) Tohda C., Komatsu K., and Kuboyama T.: Scientific basis for the anti-dementia drugs of constituents from Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). J. Trad. Med., 22 (Suppl. 1): 176-182, 2005.
2) Komatsu K., Yang D. Y., Fushimi H., and Cai S. Q.: Authentication of Rhei Rhizoma. J. Trad. Med., 22 (Suppl. 1): 70-85, 2005.
3) Komatsu K., Tohda C., and Zhu S.: Ginseng drugs - Molecular and Chemical Characteristics and Possibility as Antidementia Drugs. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 3: 47-64, 2005.
4) Tohda C., Kuboyama T., and Komatsu K.: Search of natural products related to regeneration of the neuronal network. Neurosignals, 14: 34-45, 2005.


1) 小松かつ子:日本薬学会編,『化学系薬学V.自然が生み出す』,スタンダード薬学シリーズ3,東京化学同人,東京, 2005:SBO22.生薬の同定と品質評価法について概説できる,SBO25.医薬原料としての天然物質の資源確保に関して問題点を列挙できる,pp.130-136, 156-160.
2) 小松かつ子,東田千尋:佐竹元吉監修,『薬用植物・生薬開発の新展開』,シーエムシー,東京, 2005:民族薬物の謎:世界の人参を追って−多様性の解析と認知症治療薬としての可能性−,pp.302-324.
3) Nunome S., Kiyohara H., Komatsu K., and Takeda T.: Crude Drugs of Juzen-taiho-to. “Juzen-taiho-to (Shi-Quan-Da-Bu-Tang) Scientific Evaluation and Clinical Applications,”edited by Yamada H. and Saiki I., Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, 2005, pp.7-56.
4) 小松かつ子:日本統合医療学会編,『統合医療 基礎と臨床』,メジカルビュー社,東京,2005:チベット医学,pp.127-131
© Shoyaku Shigen Kagaku Bun'ya

Division of Pharmacognosy,
Institute of Natural Medicine, University of Toyama
2630 Sugitani, Toyama, 930-0194, Japan
TEL: 81-76-434-7601 / FAX: 81-76-434-5064
Institute of Natural Medicine
University of Toyama