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Research Aim

Aim to develop a strategy for the sustainable utility of herbal drug resources, comprehensive studies have been conducted in the division of Pharmacognosy, including field investigation on medicinal plants and traditional medicines, molecular systematic, pharmacognostical, chemical and pharmacological analyses on various crude drugs. The contents of researches are as follows.

Research Outline

1) Field investigation on herbal drug resources around Asian countries and analysis on diversity of the medicinal plants.
2) Authentication and quality evaluation on various herbal drugs for the purpose of selecting proper species for cultivation.
3) Analyzing genetic polymorphisms of medicinal plants and developing DNA microarray for identification of herbal drugs.
4) Metabolomic profiling of the secondary metabolites in herbal drugs.
5) Searching for bioactive compounds and elucidating their structures.
6) Studying interactions between herbal drug constituents and synthesized medicines for guaranteeing the safety of herbal drugs.
7) Constructing and expanding the database on traditional herbal drugs (ETHMEDmmm), followed by the Japanese translation of Chinese herbal classic "Shoruihonzo".
Activities of Division of Pharmacognosy
Activities of Division of Pharmacognosy
© Shoyaku Shigen Kagaku Bun'ya

Division of Medicinal Resources, Section of Pharmacognosy,
Institute of Natural Medicine, University of Toyama
2630 Sugitani, Toyama, 930-0194, Japan
TEL: 81-76-434-7601 / FAX: 81-76-434-5064
Institute of Natural Medicine
University of Toyama