Mission of Institute of Natural Medicine
Institute of Natural Medicine is established for the purpose of “Research of scientific principle of natural medicine, and its applied research.” Making full use of modern advanced science and technology, scientifically research of natural medicines and traditional medicines are progressed to integrate Eastern medicine and Western medicine, and we build a new medicinal system. Our mission is to contribute to the establishment of holistic medical care, including the preservation of the natural environment. 1) Securing and preserving natural drug resources, 2) Promoting basic research in natural medicines and traditional medicines and integrating Eastern medicine and Western medicine, 3) Establishing the objective diagnostic and treatment system in Kampo medicine and the training of Kampo medical professionals, and 4) Forming a hub center of transmission for information of traditional medicine research.
Considering globally sharing problems to be overcome, that is aging progress, the increase in multifactorial diseases, and the depletion of natural resources, the Institute has been promoting the priority research projects for implementing the project outcomes to the community. In Department of Research and Development, five divisions (Division of Medicinal Resources, Division of Bioscience, Division of Complex Biosystem Research, Division of Presymptomatic Disease, Division of International Cooperative Research) collaborate with each other to progress basic researches aiming for translating to clinical researches and to develop a drug discovery platform based on new mechanism. Department of Medicinal Resources Management conducts preservation and management of herbal drug resources such as traditional medicine and natural medicines, and promote joint research using herbal drug resources for drug discovery. Department of Clinical Application and Department of Academia-Industry-Government Collaboration manage and facilitate clinical trials, and promote exploration of drug candidates in cooperation with hospitals and companies. Kampo Education and Training Center is responsible for cultivation of academic staffs who can practice Kampo medical education, and for establishment of the education and training system.
Our mission is to create next-generation medical science based on the integration of Eastern and Western medicine and contribute to the healthy and long-lasting society with the collaboration of the four Departments and one Center.
Institute of Natural Medicine
HAYAKAWA Yoshihiro
Institute Director / Professor
Organization Chart
Institute of Natural Medicine
University of Toyama
2630 Sugitani, Toyama 930-0194, Japan
Tel: 076-434-2281
- 1963.04
- Founded, Research Institute for WAKAN-YAKU (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toyama Univ.)
Founded, Department of Development for Natural Drug Resources (later Materia Medica)
- 1964.04
- Founded, Department of Pharmacology
- 1965.04
- Founded, Department of Applied Biochemistry (later Clinical Application)
- 1969.04
- Founded, Department of Patho-Biochemistry (later Pathogenic Biochemistry)
- 1972.05
- Founded, Department of Natural Products Chemistry
- 1974.06
- Founded, Research Institute for WAKAN-YAKU (Toyama Univ.)
- 1975.05
- Started publishing periodically “Annual Report of Research Institute for WAKAN-YAKU”
- 1978.06
- Founded, Research Institute for WAKAN-YAKU (Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical Univ.)
- 1980.03
- Constructed, The building (2468m2)
- 1987.10
- Founded, Department of Central Nervous Function Control System (temporary)
- 1988.10
- Founded, Department of Immunological Function Control System (foreign visiting professor, temporary)
- 1990.04
- Founded, Department of Cell-Resources Engineering (temporary)
- 1996.04
- Founded, Analytical Research Center for Ethnomedicines
- 1997.03
- Discontinued, Department of Central Nervous Function Control System
- 1997.04
- Founded, Department of Analysis of Homeostasis (temporary)
- 1998.03
- Discontinued, Department of Immunological Function Control System
- 1998.04
- Founded, Foreign visiting professor in Analytical Research Center for Ethnomedicines
- 1999.04
- Founded, Department of Kampo Diagnostics
- 2000.03
- Discontinued, Department of Cell-Resources Engineering
- 2000.04
- Founded, Department of Metabolic Engineering
- 2002.04
- Founded, Department of Kampo Diagnostics Changed, Department of Natural Drug Resources to Department of Phamacognosy
- 2004.07.01
- Founded, Department of Kampo-Pharmaceutics
- 2004.05.11
- Founded, Division of Gastrointestinal Phathophysiology
- 2004.10.19
- Changed, Division of Pharmacology to Division of Medicinal Pharmacology
- 2004.11.16
- Changed, Japanese Name of the Division
- 2005.08.01
- Japanese Name of the Research Center for Ethromedicines was changed, and three divisions of Biofunctional Evalution, visiting professors, International Cooperative Researches together with Museum of Materia Medical were established
- 2005.10.01
- Japanese Name of the Institute of Natural Medicine was changed after integration of three universities, Toyama University, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University and Takaoka junior college
- 2007.04
- Founded, Division of Biomedical Informatics (temporary)
- 2008.04
- Founded, Department of Presymptomatic Health Promotion
- 2010.03
- Alteration and extension of Museum of Materia Medica
- 2010.04
- Approved, the Institute as the Collaborative Research Center
Founded, Division of Kampo Diagnostics
- 2010.11
- Founded, Research Promotion Office
- 2011.01
- Founded, Division of Natural Drug Discovery
- 2011.03
- Discontinued, Division of Metabolic Engineering
Discontinued, Department of Presymptomatic Health Promotion
- 2012.03
- Discontinued, Division of Clinical Application
- 2012.04
- Reorganized, Division of Natural Products Chemistry
- Reorganized, Division of Visiting Professors, Division of International Cooperative Research, Division of Biomedical Informatics to Division of International Cooperative Research
- Reorganized, Research Promotion Office to Research Promotion Office/Division of Nutritional Biochemistry
- Reorganized, Division of Biofunctional Evaluation, Research Center for Ethnomedicine to Division of Neuromedical Science, Department of Bioscience
- 2015.04
- Reorganaized, Division of Kampo-Pharmaceutics, Donation Department to Division of Kampo-Phaemaceutics, Department of Medicinal Resources
- Founded, Department of Translational Research, Founded, Division of Kampo Translational Research, Division of Natural Drug Discovery, Division of Cemo-Bioinformatics
- 2016.04
- Reorganized, Research Promotion Office to Research Promotion Office for Science- Based Natural Medicine
- 2017.03
- Founded, Integrated Research Center for Eastern and Western Medicine
- Discontinued, Division of Kampo-Pharmaceutics, Department of Medicinal Resources
- 2018.03
- Discontinued, Research Promotion Office for Science-Based Natural Medicine
- 2019.03
- Discontinued, Integrated Research Center for Eastern and Western Medicine
- 2020.03.31
- Discontinued, Research Center for Ethnomedicine
- 2020.04.01
- Reorganized, Institute of Natural Medicine,
- Founded, three departments of Research and Development, Clinical Application and Academia-Industry-Government Collaboration, additionally Kampo Education and Training Center and Museum of Materia Medica
- 2022.10.01
- Founded, Department of Medicinal Resources Management