Hayakawa Yoshihiro Professor
Hayakawa Yoshihiro
AffiliationLaboratory of Cancer Biology and Immunology, Section of Host Defences, Division of Bioscience, Department of Research and Development / Division of International Cooperative Research/Department of Medicinal Resources Management
Research fieldsImmunology, Cancer biology
Campus careerPhD.
Biography University of Toyama Faculty Research Profiles
1996, March Toyama Medical & Pharmaceutical University, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
1998, March Toyama Medical & Pharmaceutical University, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, MS
2001, March Toyama Medical & Pharmaceutical University, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, PhD
Job career
2001, April Toyama Medical & Pharmaceutical University, Institute of Natural Medicine, Postdocoral Fellow
2001, November Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (Melbourne), Cancer Immunology Program, Senior Research Officer
2007, January Merck Research Laboratories (Banyu, Tsukuba Research Institute), Pharmacology Department, Research Fellow (Group Leader)
2009, March The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Project Associate Lecturer
2011, March The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Project Associate Professor
2012, April University of Toayama, Institute of Natural Medicine, Associatae Professo
2017, April University of Toayama, Institute of Natural Medicine, Professor
Research theme
Outline of the research
Main research topics of Hayakawa Lab
・Study of NK cell biology and its roles in immunity
・Role of innate immune responses in cancer progression
・Immunological study of inflammatory & allergic diseases
・Modulation of immune responses and immunological diseases by Kampo medicines
・Study to regulate cancer progression & metastasis
Thoughts on research
Do, or do not. There is no try.
Yamamoto Y, Miyazato K, Takahashi K, Yoshimura N, Tahara H, Hayakawa Y, Lung-resident natural killer cells control pulmonary tumor growth in mice. Cancer Sci. 2018;109(9):2670-2676.
Ogura K, Sato-Matsushita M, Yamamoto S, Hori T, Sasahara M, Iwakura Y, Saiki I, Tahara H, Hayakawa Y. NK cells control tumor-promoting function of neutrophils in mice. Cancer Immunol Res. 2018;6(3):348-357.
Fujiwara T, Miyazato K, Takahashi K, Hayakawa Y. Establishment of bioluminescent imaging model using murine T cell lymphoma susceptive to NK cell-dependent immune-surveillance. J Immunol Methods. 2021;491:112993.
Miyazato K, Tahara H, Hayakawa Y. Antimetastatic effects of thalidomide by inducing the functional maturation of peripheral natural killer cells. Cancer Sci. 2020;111(8):2770-2778.
Miyazato K, Hayakawa Y. Pharmacological targeting of natural killer cells for cancer immunotherapy. Cancer Sci. 2020;111(6):1869-1875.
Cancer, Immunology, Inflammation, metastasis, Host defenses, Natural Killer cell