第15回 国際伝統医薬シンポジウム・富山 2017
The 15th International Symposium on Traditional Medicine in Toyama 2017
- 副題 / Subtitle
- 天然資源の活用を目指した研究最前線
Research Frontiers for Promoting Utilization of Natural Sources
- 開催日 / Date
- 2017年11月8日、9日
November 8-9, 2017
- 会場 / Venue
- 富山第一ホテル 3階「天平の間」(富山市桜木町10-10)
Hall "TENPYO", 3rd floor, Toyama Dai-ichi Hotel (10-10 Sakuragi-cho, Toyama)
- 主催 / Organizer
- 富山大学 和漢医薬学総合研究所
Institute of Natural Medicine, University of Toyama
- 後援 / Auspices
- 富山県、公益財団法人 田村科学技術振興財団
Toyama prefecture, Tamura Science and Technology Foundation
- 備考 / Comment
- 第38回特別セミナーと合同開催
Held with the 38th special seminar
11/08 (Day 1)
Opening Ceremony
Session I
Analyzing the mechanism of action of traditional medicines
- 13:20-14:00
- 山田 陽城(特定非営利活動法人DNDi Japan)
Haruki YAMADA (Specified nonprofit corporation DNDi Japan, Tokyo, Japan)
Elucidation of action mechanism of Kampo medicines as multi-ingredients natural drugs
- 14:00-14:40
- Sang Kook Lee(韓国・ソウル大学)
Sang Kook Lee (Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea)
Antitumor activity of natural phenanthroindolizidines and daphnane Diterpenoids
Session II
Application of natural products
- 14:40-15:20
- Venkata Ramana Murthy Kolapalli(インド・アンドゥラ大学)
Venkata Ramana Murthy Kolapalli (Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India)
Natural gums: Versatile excipients in drug delivery systems
Session III
Discovering the drug leads from natural sources (Part I)
- 15:40-16:20
- Matthias Hamburger(スイス・バーゼル大学)
Matthias Hamburger (University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland)
Library-based discovery of bioactive natural products – tools and some recent results
- 16:20-17:00
- 通 元夫(徳島文理大学)
Motoo TORI (Tokushima Bunri University, Tokushima,Japan)
Chemical diversity of some Ligularia species in the Hengduan mountains, China
11/09 (Day 2)
Session IV
Discovering the drug leads from natural sources (Part II)
- 09:30-10:10
- 村岡 修(近畿大学)
Osamu MURAOKA (Kindai University, Osaka, Japan)
Salacinol, a potent α-glucosidase inhibitor from ayurvedic traditional medicine “Salacia” as a lead for anti-diabetic agents
- 10:10-10:50
- Nwet Nwet Win(ミャンマー・ヤンゴン大学)
Nwet Nwet Win (University of Yangon, Yangon, Myanmar)
Discovery of bioactive natural products from Myanmar medicinal plants
- 10:50-11:30
- Maurice D. Awouafack(カメルーン・ジャング大学)
Maurice D. Awouafack (University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon)
Phytochemical investigation of some Cameroonian medicinal plants
Session V
Biosynthesis of natural products and engineering useful substances
- 13:00-13:40
- 森田 洋行(富山大学)
Hiroyuki Morita (University of Toyama, Toyama, Japan)
Studies on the biosynthesis of 2-alyklquinolones and manipulation of plant polyketide-producing enzymes to produce new compounds
- 13:40-14:20
- John L. Sorensen(カナダ・マニトバ大学)
John L. Sorensen (University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada)
The annotation and heterologous expression of secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters from the lichen Cladonia uncialis
- 14:20-15:00
- 胡 丹(中国・Jinan 大学)
Dan Hu (Jinan University, Guangzhou, China)
Characterization of the biosynthesis of fusidane-type antibiotics
Session VI
Quality and sustainability of traditional medicines
- 15:20-16:00
- Andrey A. Gontcharov(ロシア・ロシア科学アカデミー)
Andrey A. Gontcharov (Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia)
Wild and cultivated medicinal plants for sustainable and effective uses in Primorsky Krai, Russia
- 16:00-16:40
- Zhong-Mei Zou(中国・中国医学科学院)
Zhong-Mei Zou (Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China)
Metabonomics-based study on active constituents and mechanism of action of Chai-hu Shu Gan San
- 16:40-17:20
- 丸山 卓郎(国立医薬品食品衛生研究所)
Takuro MARUYAMA (National Institute of Health Sciences, Tokyo, Japan)
Quality assurance for crude drugs: genetic and chemical approaches
Closing Remarks
2017.11.08 イベント